I am trying to make a component which contains an unknown number of vertical lists. The amount of options in these vertical lists is also unknown.
I initially tried this:
:for="(section, index) in $sections"
:ref="'section' + $index"
:y="$index * ($section.options.length) * 140"
However, it seems to space them all according to the amount of options in the last section. So if my first list has 2 options and then my second has 5, there will be extra space between the two. If the two lists have the same amount of options, it looks fine.
I tried a second attempt by adding an optionCount value directly to my section object like so:
:for="(section, index) in $sections"
:ref="'section' + $index"
:y="$index * ($section.optionCount) * 140"
Same result. My expectation is that the y value would change based on the individual section but it doesn’t seem to be working that way. Wondering if this is a bug or if there is some other way to achieve this?
Thanks in advance!