Any way to trickle down information?

Hi, I see in the documentation that you can pass custom data as parameters along with a component this way :

MyComponentInstance: {
    type: MyComponent,

And someData would then be accessible in MyComponent as this.someData.

I would like to pass this.someData to a child component but this seems to be undefined in the static _template :

static _template() {
    return {
        MyChildInstance: {
            type: MyChild,
            someData: this.someData,

Is there a way to achieve it?

Thank you!

The reason this won’t work is because _template() is a static method, so it doesn’t have access to this context of your component instance.

In this case you could update the template in the _init() method of your component by doing something like this:

_init() {
   this.tag('MyChildInstance').someData = this.someData

Hi @michiel I just found out about this.bindProp and it achieves exactly what I want to do.

Here’s the same exemple with it :

    static _template() {
    return {
        MyChildInstance: {
            type: MyChild,
            someDataInChild: this.bindProp(someData),

I found it by accident while looking at Lightning on GitHub : bindProp is not working with the `text` shorthand · Issue #283 · rdkcentral/Lightning · GitHub

Is there a reason why Lightning’s documentation doesn’t mention bindProp?

Thank you