I recently saw a technique that used offscreen SVGs to render HTML text. I wanted to see if this would work in Lightning too so I created a quick demo. It works pretty well and supports lots tags… even emojis!
I’ve uploaded the code here if anyone wants to take a look (It’s very work-in-progress).
@Wouter @frank you may be interested in this given the work you’ve been doing recently with the Lightning 3.0 text rendering engine.
Example code
static _template() {
return {
Justified: {
x: 50,
y: 200,
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, 🚀 <b>consectetur adipiscing elit</b>. Phasellus porta nisi est, vitae <i>sagittis ex gravida ac</i>. Sed vitae malesuada neque.",
style: {
color: "white",
"font-family": "Roboto",
"font-size": "32px",
"letter-spacing": "3px",
"line-height": "48px",
"max-width": "400px",
"text-align": "justify",
"text-shadow": "1px 2px black",
"word-wrap": true,
type: HTMLText,