How to add font Weight for text element?

I want to give specific weight for text elements in lighting, how can I Achieve that?

Any suggestion or help is very much appreciated

static getFonts() {
        return [{
            family: 'Saira', url: Utils.asset('fonts/Saira-VariableFont_wdth,wght.ttf'), descriptors: {weight: "1 1000"}
Text: {
    text: {
        text: 'Fiets',
        fontStyle: 123,
        textColor: 0xff000000,
        fontFace: 'Saira'
Text2: {
    x: 200,
    text: {
        text: 'Fiets',
        fontStyle: 567,
        textColor: 0xff000000,
        fontFace: 'Saira'
